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“ In education we are strinving not to teach  youth to make a living,
but to make a life. ”
 – W. A. White

  Research interest

  • Signal processing for multi-antenna communications

  • Optimization algorithm design and analysis

  • Machine learning for resource allocation


  Professional experience

  • Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Assoc. Prof., 2013.11~

  • Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Lecturer, 2011.11~2013.10

  • Bell Labs (China), Alcatel-Lucent, Research Scientist, 2011.1~2011.10

  • Iowa State University, Research Associate, 2016.2~2017.2



  • EECS @ University of Minnesota (UMN), UMN, Joint Phd Program, 2009.9~2010.9

  • EE @ Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), Shanghai, Phd, 2006.9~2011.1

  • EE @ China University of Petroleum (CUP), Shandong, B.S. & M.S., 1999.9~2003.7


  Honors & Awards

  • Nomination Award of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China, 2014

  • Shanghai Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, 2013

  • IEEE PIMRC Best Paper Award, 2009

  • National Scholarship for Excellent Student, China, Sep. 2008~Jul. 2009

  • Fudi Scholarship, SJTU, Sep. 2007--Jul. 2008

  • ICIP Institute Scholarship, SJTU, Sep. 2006--Jul. 2007

  • Excellent Master's Thesis of CUP, Dec. 2007





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